Who We Support

Physical Therapy Practice Owners

We partner with clinic owners who share our mission and values and want a partner that provides the resources to reach more patients. Our partnerships create alignment, enhance quality and growth, and provide an opportunity for clinic owners to reduce risk and focus on what they enjoy most.

Chiropractic Practice Owners

We partner with chiropractic clinic owners who share our mission and values. The benefits of partnership are the same as they are for our physical therapy clinics.

Primary Care Medical Groups

We partner with primary care medical groups that want to create a more efficient care pathway for their musculoskeletal patients. Together, we build guidelines to direct patients toward the physical therapy and chiropractic care they need which helps free up our partners’ schedules, improve outcomes, and lower costs.

Orthopedic Medical Groups

We partner with orthopedic groups that are looking for a trusted partner to provide critical physical therapy services in bundled contracts or would like to develop on-site physical therapy services for their patients.


We partner with payers that want to offer their members network access to high-quality physical therapy and chiropractic services. These partnerships are especially important to payers focused on value-based care and patient outcomes.


We partner with employers who value the health and wellness of their team members by providing a comprehensive solution to musculoskeletal health in the workplace. Our team of therapists and ergonomists assist employers with hiring (employment testing and functional capacity evaluations), on the job process improvement (ergonomic assessments), employee health engagement and prevention (stretching and strengthening initiatives), and on-site therapy, rehabilitation, and work hardening.


We partner with schools to help them provide the highest quality physical therapy care to students with Independent Education Plans. Our on-site teams provide evaluations, ongoing rehabilitation services, and documentation to support students. Our services allow our partner school systems to provide high quality, compassionate, and compliant care in a fiscally responsible way.